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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What Did You Mean - Lauralei

Another great song from song-writing duo Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Greg Scheer, sung by the fabulous Lauralei. This song is one of eleven great songs from her debut album, "Questions" which is available to download from CD Baby, iTunes and Amazon. Check it out today.

'Momma Knew How To Pray' - Gary McCray

Like Country Music? Well, here's a gteat song from my good friend Gary McCray for you to enjoy, over and over again.

Wild Horses (Beneath the Raging Moon) - Byron J Bryce

Time to enjoy a bit of real Country Music and set your feet a-tapping! A great song for line-dancing to.


Have a really happy day today!

'QUESTIONS' sung by Lauralei

Requiem for a Friend

I recently lost my good friend, Barbara, for whom I was named as next-of-kin, as I also was for her late husband Gordon, who passed away almost four years ago. She was quite severely disabled, and I was her main carer, along with my wife, for the last few years. In that position you get very close to folk, and so you can imagine the huge loss that my wife and I have felt over the demise of them both.
Recently I wrote a requiem for Barbara to record my feelings and help in the grieving process. Today I would like to share it with you all. 
Maybe it will help someone else who is grieving for a lost loved one. I hope so.