Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Every Day is a BONUS!

Today is going to be a great day! Not just a good day, but a GREAT day! How do I know this for sure? Well, the answer's easy. It's going to be great because it's another day that I can walk with Jesus and serve God in the world. It's another day that God has given to me to use, to learn in and from, and to try my best to be of kingdom benefit for Him. Now, in my book, that makes it a really GREAT day!

So what shall I fill it with? We often wish we had a few extra hours in the week to do things that we'd like to --- or things that we need to, and here I am with a whole day stretched out in front of me, not just a few hours, but a WHOLE DAY. I started by looking at a great blog-site and found a terrific magazine which you can either download for FREE or order to come by pigeon-post. I'm going to put the finishing touches for the November/December issue of my own magazine, The Voice, today so that all of the overseas subscribers will be able to get there copy on time.

Then I need to go and visit some Christian friends who are under the weather. There's Barbara, who has just been in hospital (yet again), and her husband Gordon who, although suffering with MS nevertheless manages to soldier on better than many, despite the advancing years; and there's Nancy and Ruth, both in need of some spiritual comfort. One of the things that I enjoy in visiting people is that I get the opportunity to share so much with them, from the general chat to the spiritual, and most of all I get to share a little TIME with them.

Well, I guess that I'd better be on my knees preparing myself for the day --- packing my spiritual briefcase, so to speak --- so I'll speak to you again soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the picture that I've put at the top of this blog. You can find pictures/posters like these on my website if you look for the Voiceart pages.

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