Sunday, October 14, 2007

Using my gifts - a new CD!

Sheer Joy Music have just released a new CD of my worship songs sung by a great-sounding choral group called 'Cantoris', who hail from Cheshire. It's wonderful to be blessed with the gift of writing work to praise our God, and when you hear it sung it makes you feel very humble and yet also it's exciting. Of course, the finished Cd is only partly my work, and even that portion is a gift through the Spirit! Without the beautiful singing of Cantoris, the talents of the various composers, and the hard work put in by Chris Taylor who produced and recorded the CD at Rooftop Studio in Liverpool, then there would be nothing for you to listen to unless you were in a church where the works were being sung.

I am thankful for my gifts, and I praise God for them constantly. To Him be the glory!

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