Sunday, October 28, 2007

His Hand is Everywhere

I thought that I would share the following piece of verse with you today. I'm a great believer in angels. In fact, how can we not believe in them if we believe in the Bible as the breathed Word of God, for they are referenced to on so many occasions in Scripture. The problem for many people is that they can only truly believe in what they can see and touch, yet faith is believing in what we cannot see.

The reality of God is that even though we cannot see Him in a literal sense, we can see the evidence of His work everywhere around us. His hand is everywhere; in the beauty of all creation; in people whom we meet; in words we read and hear; in our own heads and hearts. He is everywhere at once, all-seeing and all-knowing. If we reject anything of His creation then we reject Him as well. He is life and love, light and truth. He is there to be worshipped and praised in everything that we do or say. He is the great I AM, the God of all Ages!

Have You?

Sometimes it makes me wonder
about the people whom I meet;
those I find in a quiet church,
or on a busy street;
hurrying and scurrying,
being kind and doing good,
the way that well we know,
God has ordained we should.
Yet, sometimes, we meet someone
with a special word to say,
And when they do we wonder,
did an angel come our way?
We see no angelic wings,
and hear no heavenly choir;
yet something in the way they look,
— familiar, not odd —
Leaves us with a sense
Of having briefly met with God.

© 2006 Colin Gordon-Farleigh
(From In Praise of Him, Again, published by Voice Publications)

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