Thursday, October 18, 2007

I had a meeting with Bill

This morning I had a meeting with Bill, one of the members of my church. It's always a rich time of sharing when we get together. He's on fire for the Lord, and is busy enlarging his knowledge of Scripture to help in his witness. There's a lesson here for everyone!

A while ago, a friend said to me that it was reckoned that if you took all the churchgoers out of our churches and just left the committed Christians then most of the churches would be pretty empty. That's a scary thought! What do you think about it? Is it possible that the reason that the church is in such poor condition, in terms of attendance, is because the level of Christian commitment is so low. After all, when you look around at the average church the various tasks in the church are usually done by the 'faithful few'. Prayer meetings and Bible Study meetings are all too often poorly attended, and again, the people who do attend them are, in the main, the same 'faithful few' who do most of the jobs.

How do we address the situation in a loving manner? If only I knew the answer to that then my church would be full every Sunday. This is something that saddens me greatly. There is such joy in knowing Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, but the joy of knowing Him as friend is amazing. It's because of this that I want to introduce Him to others, knowing that He can be their friend too. And knowing Him is a real life-changing thing. Once you have truly met with Him then your life can never be the same again.

My constant prayer is that everyone whom I meet will have the opportunity to meet with my Lord as well during the course of our meeting. That way I will have given both Him and them of my best, just as it should be.

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