Friday, October 26, 2007

I must have survived . . .

Sorry --- no post to my blog yesterday 'cos my 'Day-job' in hospital on Wednesday turned out to be a two-day job after all! I had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic and so had to spend an extra day in hospital. However, I must have survived, 'cos otherwise today's blog would be missing too!!!
When I went down to theatre I was very relaxed and calm, thanks, I'm sure, to the prayers that I'd sent up plus, very importantly, the prayers of others for my well-being. How important it is to pray for others. Some years ago, living in Wales, I was suffering very badly with my back and had considerable mobility problems. One day I was arranging to visit a Christian friend the following day and suggested that I arrived at his house at 10.00 am. He looked a little awkward at first, but then explained that it would be his prayer time. "Not only that," he said, " but at 10 o'clock every day I pray for your healing and well-being." I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by this revelation. To think that someone prayed for me at a set time EVERY DAY! WOW!!! As it turned out he thought about things for a moment and then said that I would be welcome to join him so that we could spend prayer time together, and what a blessing it was.
This is one of the gems in my casket of blessings; one of the things that reminds me how rich I am in heavenly terms. Over the years the casket has become fuller and fuller, and every now and then I can reach in and let others see the gem as well. That way I think that the blessing that was given to me can be continually shared around, bringing blessings to others simply by reminding them how wonderful and how good God is.

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