Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sam had a fit of the sulks!

Yesterday evening my wife Gill and I took our little dog Sam for a long walk. Earlier it had been raining, and Sam must have found every bit of mud possible to walk in! We'd driven to the 'walk-spot' and so on the way home we had to put him in the open back of the car from where he surveyed us by placing his paws on the top of the seat to look over.

Getting him home we had to get him up to the bathroom quickly for a bath, something that he's not too fond of. This operation I left to Gill, who's absolutely brilliant with him. After drying him off with the hair-dryer he was allowed back downstairs, but what a fit of the sulks he had!

His usual look of adoration which he gives to Gill was most definitely not there last night, for he sulked for most of the evening. Of course, he's still only eighteen months old, so I guess that in doggy years he's a teenager! That explains it all!

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