Thursday, October 4, 2007

Share My Journey

I've never been that good at keeping a diary. Oh, sure, the intention has often been there, but it's either stayed in the ether or else run for a short while before drifting aimlessly to its demise! Blogs are diaries, yet somehow they're different 'cos, unlike a diary, they're meant to be read by other people. So, in a manner of speaking, you could say that a Blog is more like a letter than a diary, yet there's still that special something about it. You can put your thoughts down on a Blog never knowing who will stumble across it and read what you've written. I like that idea, and so that's why I've decided to start this.

It's like most things in life, all part of an exciting journey. As a committed Christian I relish the thoughts and hopes of arriving at my final destination, but the journey itself is so important, for it's the manner in which we conduct ourselves and the choices that we make on our journey through life that ultimately determines our destination. As I travel on what's left of my journey, I hope that you will decide to keep me company --- at least for some of the way.

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