Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hank & Slim --- 2 of the BEST!

I'm on holiday for a few days this week, and so I'm catching up on a few things that seem to have got left behind, not least of all posting several items on eBay, something I've been intending to do for the past couple of weeks. The problem is that there never seems to be enough time to do these things, which can be quite time-consuming!

Anyway, at last I've got it done, so now I hope that all I have to do is to sit back and wait for the pennies to drop like dew from heaven! (Well, at least I can hope!)

As I'm working at the computer I'm listening to one of my favourite singers, the late GREAT Hank Snow. It's not easy to get Canadian-born Hank's Cd's over here in the UK, because there's not supposed to be enough demand for his style of Country music. However, my darling wife came to the rescue a couple of birthdays ago, and she searched the Internet and found a place to buy. No mean purchase, either, for she bought me a special boxed set of 12 Cd's. WOW! I was over the moon, and re-live my joy every time that I listen to them.

Hank Snow has been one of my favourites, along with the great Slim Whitman, since I was a boy, and that, I might add, is quite a long time!!! Back in the early '70s I went to a live performance at Bristol Hippodrome to see Hank. What great memories I have of that show. In mentioning Slim Whitman, my other singing hero --- 'cos I LOVE the sound of the steel guitar --- I went to see his last ever show in the UK a couple of years back, travelling over 200 miles to get to Norwich where the very last show of the tour was played to a packed house.

Actually, whilst these two singers are amongst my all-time favourites, I guess the thing is that I simply love music and singing. As many of you know, I write lyrics and also turn my hand to composing music on occasion. I'm told by those close to me that I'm 'usually making some noise or other', which means that I'm humming, singing or whistling, my way through the day, although it's not always appreciated!!!

Someone once told me that a love of music, paintings, and beauty, proves that you have a soul. So, as I like all of those things, I guess that's good news for me! Seriously though, all of the finer things feed the soul, though nothing feeds it quite like the Word of God which sustains us always. When it comes to feeding on the WORD, then I guess that I'm not ashamed to admit to being a regular GLUTTON!

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