Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just Another Day . . .

'Oh well, it's just another day!' I wonder how often you've heard that said, or perhaps said it yourself without thinking what the implications are? You know the scenario I'm sure. You plan to get a whole pile of jobs done and then get a fit of lazy-itus, the end result being that, though you might actually start several things you don't actually finish anything. The problem is two-fold: firstly, you probably don't actually want to get them done, and secondly, you are disorganised in the way you set about it anyway! After all, it's just another day --- and there's always tomorrow!

The problem is, of course, that one day there won't be any more tomorrows. You'll have come to the end of the journey and the road will have finally run out. Not attending to the things that need doing when they need doing places you in a fool's paradise. Sure --- leave things until tomorrow and today you'll have that much-needed leisure-time to do something that you'll really enjoy. Unfortunately, for a wide variety of reasons, the problem is, that amongst the things you leave until tomorrow, you will most likely find those leisure activities included as well!

It's so important to make sure that everything is as ready as possible if you want to meet every occasion head-on. When I lived in Africa I worked for the Singer Sewing Machine Company as one of the management team, and there was always a GIGANTIC list of jobs to be completed, so it was important to organise each day properly. I used to have some forms which were headed 'Things to Do TODAY!' which were filled in before I left the office each day in readiness for the next morning. The first items on the list would always be anything that was left from that day, thus ensuring that everything got done in sequence, according to its priority. There was always the last-minute things to allow for, so it was important to be flexible.

Sometimes we would be notified that one of the Company 'bigwigs' was to be expected. Usually we would know not only the day but also the time of day that they would be arriving, so there was plenty of time to ensure that we were ready for their arrival, and that everything that needed to be done was done. Occasionally, however, they would surprise us and arrive earlier than expected, perhaps by as much as a few days. It was not good to get caught out in this manner!

Constantly, in our private lives, we face the same need to make sure that we are ready to receive any visitors who might surprise us. Imagine the situation if a relative or friend --- (hopefully the relatives are friends as well!) --- surprises you with an unexpected visit. When they ring your door-bell do you need to have a quick sweep around the lounge to make sure that everything is okay before you can open the door. Or perhaps you need to apologise that 'It's not always like this, just that I've been soooo busy lately . . .'

One day the Lord Jesus will come calling for us. We need to make absolutely certain that we are ready when He does! There won't be any time left to get the things done that have been left 'until tomorrow'. We don't know when He'll come. The Bible tells us that not even the angels in heaven, nor Jesus Himself knows the answer to that question. Only God the Father knows. That means that our lives absolutely must be in order now, TODAY if we don't want to get caught out!

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