Monday, January 7, 2008

A Long Time Lonely

I've just received the completed sheet music from Greg Scheer for the latest song that we've collaborated on. It's a honky-tonk number called A Long Time Lonely, and you can check out the sheet music and hear a slightly cheesy 'Finale' version of the tune on MP3 on the musicblog section of Greg's site. Why not press the button, have a listen and then let me know what you think! To make it easier, I've posted the link direct to Greg's page as a separate post.

Greg and I have written a lot of songs together, including loads of worship songs, many of which are now available on CD. Our first CD of
ROMANTIC SONGS is due out very soon, and the CD (which I blogged about a while back) of the Russian Ensemble, LYRA, is now in the final stages of being mastered.

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