Saturday, January 26, 2008

There's a Song in the Air!

It's very early in the morning as I sit at the computer to write this Blog --- and when I say 'very early' I mean very early still in the dark! As often happens with me, I woke up in the middle of the night and my grey matter started to get to work on something, which in this case happens to be another new song. That's the way it goes! It's a strange thing, this business, for I end up having to get up at a time when I'd much rather be asleep in order to get rid of the words that fill my head. When I sit at the computer I have absolutely no idea what is going to spill out onto the screen until I have typed it. But there again, considering that I am convinced that the real work of creating is done by the Holy Spirit, I guess that's not too surprising. All I ever really see myself as is the delivery-man. I shall share what I write this morning on another occasion, but in the meantime here --- as the saying goes --- is one I wrote earlier. I hope you like it! It is sung to the well-known tune All to Jesus which you can hear by going to this link. Why not sing along to the tune. In fact, why not get it sung in your church? That'd be great!

Saved for Glory
Tune: All to Jesus

Saved for glory by the Saviour,
Christ is all in all to me;
I will tell the wondrous story,
How He came to set us free.
Saved by Christ alone!
Saved by Christ alone!
Saved for glory by the Saviour,
Saved by Christ alone!

He came down to bring us freedom,
From man’s own self-righteous law;
Came to grant us free salvation,
Tell it out from door to door.

Christ, the one Son of the Father,
God incarnate came to earth;
When you claim through Him redemption,
Through God’s Spirit get rebirth.

You can claim this glorious blessing,
You receive the bounty free;
You can sing the Saviour’s story,
Tell it out aloud like me.

Tell the world you’re saved for glory,
That in heav’n one day we’ll meet;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
We will worship at their feet.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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