Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bloggers SPELLCHECK has passed away!

Four about the parst week now, the Blogger SPELLCHECK has nott bean wurkin, but lukkily I don't think it makes eny different to my blog 'cos I'm pretty

gud at spelling! It cud have bean much moor serious! Just imagine if wun of the keys on my keybored was not wurkin. Imagine the chaos if I cudn't get the 'i' to wurk properly and it punched in an 'a' insted!!! If that was the kace then my blog entry mite read something like this:

Hello, dear reader, a thought that a'd wrate a few lanes today about green assues as at seems to be all the rage at present, so here goes. At would be a good adea to start off wath recyclang, whach as one of the easaest ways for people to start to make a dafference an terms of global warmang. Do you recycle? Af so, how good as at at the place where you go to tap your stuff? A try to recycle vartually everythang, but at's not very easy sometames. For example, for a very long tame the tap dad not accept plastac, and so a had to throw all the plastac anto the non-recyclable ban, and thas really arked me! Now they do accept at, but the skap for plastac as marked for plastac bottles only. A stall put ALL my plastac anto at though! Af only the manufacturers would stop usang so much packagang JUST TO FOOL US THAT THEAR PRODUCT IS BETTER THAN AT AS!

Did you get through all that? Are you still with me? Good! I hope I managed to raise a smile today, 'cos that's the intention, and don't forget that it takes less muscles to make your face smile than it does to make it frown, so have a really lazy day and go around smiling at everybody. Smile at all the folks at church and see how many wonder what's wrong with you. Smile at the gas=station attendant and see if he or she thinks that you're coming on to them. Smile at your family and see if they think that your coming down with something. If any of these things happen to you then just ask yourself the question whether you smile enough normally! After all, if it disturbs people when they find you smiling a lot then there must be something wrong somewhere. Of course, perhaps that's the real reason that you're smiling after all!!!

Have a great day, dear reader! Be in touch soon.

1 comment:

  1. Is that why everyone thinks I'm a bit off my rocker? I do tend to smile alot.

    I remember in college in California, after spending the summer in friendly North Carolina. I would walk across campus looking everyone in the eye, smiling, and saying hello. Everyone would walk off the path to steer clear of me. They thought I was nuts! Ah, the things I do for fun...

    Have a wonderful day!
