Friday, February 29, 2008

Standing Still & Moving Slowly

Journeys are wonderful things to undertake, especially when you don't know the route that they're going to take. Mind you, sometimes that can be frustrating! I can certainly imagine the frustration of travellers who set off on a train journey to work only to learn that part of the journey --- sometimes most of it --- will take place, not on a train, but on a bus, as sometimes happens here in the UK due to problems with line maintenance.

Here at Share My Journey I never know quite where the journey route is going, even though I know the eventual destination that I am aiming to reach. All my life I've loved the excitement of taking trips down the side roads to discover what lies at the end of them, and I've generally not been disappointed. Sometimes I've found some real jewels along the way, both in the places that I've visited and the people that I've found there. Occasionally I've found that my brief sojourn has led me off-track altogether, and then I've needed to back-track to my starting point. Yet nothing has been a waste of time. Every experience grants an opportunity to learn from and leaves me with a broader horizon that when I set off.

Sometimes I reach a place on my journey when all I want to do is to stand still and soak up all that surrounds me, whilst at other times I may be led to move along very slowly so that I can enjoy the scenery without losing my pace. This blog is part of my journey and, as such, I can often be found wandering down the lanes as I travel on it, enjoying the Byways as well as the Highways. So you will find me sometimes posting every other day, much as I have been recently, whilst at other times I may write up several posts on one day. Whatever the case is, dear reader, please enjoy the journey with me, including the times when all I want to do is to simply 'stop and count the daisies' as I travel!

The whole point of any journey is that you set off from a given point in order to reach a specific destination --- in my case the journey that I'm on is a journey of discovery not only of all that I find on the way but also about my own reactions to what I find as I travel. One of the things I enjoy is sharing it with you, dear reader. Of course, some journeys are best taken alone, but the companionship of a friend is always a welcome addition to me as I explore Life's Highway, so I'm glad to have you along, no matter whether I'm travelling at a fair pace, moving slowly, or standing still.

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