Thursday, February 14, 2008

This afternoon I've been clearing out some of the muddle in my late friend Elsie's house, and what a lot of mess and muddle there is to be cleared. This is the fourth day that I've been doing it so far, and there's still lots more to do! Elsie was one of life's hoarders!!!

I liked these two cartoons which give something of an idea of the messy muddle that I've been gradually sorting through. So far I've taken about twenty-five bin-bags to the Charity shops and another sixteen to the Tip for recycling, etcetera. I guess another two or three days should see the task completed, which I shall be glad about. One of the things I hate about it is that you feel that you are prying into someone else's life, although it's a necessary task that has to be done by someone.

What can we learn from it, I wonder? Well, one thing for certain is that when it comes to the crunch we all need someone to help sort out the mess and muddle that creeps into our lives. So many people are hoarders of one sort or another, aren't they? At least with Elsie's muddle it's easily remedied! Some people hoard emotions and bad memories, afraid to let them go, and by hanging on to them they remain just underneath the surface, waiting to rise up and disturb the person afresh, time after time. So I guess that the best lesson that we can learn is that we all need to de-clutter our lives in every sense on a regular basis. We don't have to do it all on our own either, for thankfully we have a Helper on whom we can always rely. I'm reminded at this moment of one of the hymns that I've chosen for Elsie's funeral service next Monday, What a friend we have in Jesus. Click on the link and hear the choir from the Morriston Tabernacle, Swansea in South Wales. Indeed, there will never be another friend that has done, is doing, and will do so much for us, especially with no charge. In every sense, He's a life-saver!

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