Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yesterday I wrote about FAITH

In yesterday's post I wrote about faith and, in the final paragraph, I commented on losing someone that you care about. I mentioned how God always knows the best answer to prayer, even though it might not be the one that we would choose, and how you can see in retrospect the wisdom in His answer.

Within an hour of posting my blog entry I received a 'phone call from a hospital to tell me that an elderly lady --- a member of my church --- had just passed away. I got the call so quickly because I am listed as her next-of-kin due to the absence of any close relatives. I had been to see her on Monday afternoon and had a fair visit, although I was very concerned for her. All through that night I was disturbed in my sleep by that concern, and prayed that God would find a way to grant her what she most wanted, which was to go home and not be placed into a Care Home. Without doubt that prayer has been answered, albeit differently to the way that I would have wanted. God answered my prayer exactly, for she will not have to suffer the indignities of the Care Home life that she was so averse to, whilst at the same time God has called her home.

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