One of the problems of going away for a few days is that just as you start to relax it's time to turn about and go back home again! I had a relaxing, but also productive, five days in Swansea last week. One of the reasons that I went was to see my friends Dorothy and Leighton, but the main reason was to blow a little fresh air into my lungs and shake the cobwebs from my mind --- metaphorically speaking at least! Anyway, I managed to do it well enough to be able to write some new songs, and I completed three songs to send to Greg Scheer for our forthcoming album of Country Songs, which, incidentally, Greg wants to record himself. in addition, and as a sort of bonus I guess, I also completed a worship song that had been hanging around for a couple of months waiting for me to do it, and also wrote a couple more new worship songs. I think, therefore, that I can claim that it was a fairly successful week.
I was really well and truly back in harness by Saturday morning, preparing my message for the Sunday morning service, and then delivering same the following day to a reasonable congregation. I think it does so much good to have a change of scenery every now and then, revitalising you as well as refreshing you. I certainly felt refreshed as I led the service yesterday! What a privilege it is to be able to lead people in worship each week and to minister to them the rest of the time.
This year I will have served my church, St John's Presbyterian Church in Runcorn, for ten years, and it's been a good journey so far. Not that everything has been wonderful all the time, for that's not the way that life is, but I have enjoyed every moment nevertheless. The photo at the top of the page is of St John's. If ever you're around on a Sunday morning for the 11 o'clock service, come in. You'll certainly find a warm welcome if you do, and one thing I can promise you without fail is that you will hear the gospel preached without fear. I don't believe in tickling the ears of the congregation by telling them the things that will make them feel comfortable and cosy. If the truth of Scripture does that then all well and good, for that's what they'll hear from me!
Very soon the church is due to undergo a radical change with the commencement of building works that will see it turned into a 2-story building with the latest amenities to help us to be a real 21st Century church. Of course, the building and so on are only the outer wrappings. What matters is what you find inside and what is taken outside of the building. I pray that inside will always be all that benefits the Kingdom, and outside that we will be a real witness to the love of God and Salvation through Jesus Christ.
It will be great to see the building undergoing transformation, but oh, how I pray for a transformation of souls as we seek ways to reach out to the lost.
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