Mugabe has proven to the whole world that you can call an election, you can let the people express their will at the Ballot Box, and then, when the tide turns against you, you can argue and procrastinate endlessly whilst you seek for a means to rig the result. If all else fails you can simply refuse to publish the result and ponce about like some inane monkey on a stick until you get another idea to subjugate the masses. Be warned however! Mugabe may look like a clown and dress like a clown when he prances about before the rallied masses, but he is no clown when it comes dealing his enemies the swift death blows that clear his path!
Lowering the life expectancy of the people by means of continual deprivation and near-starvation is not enough for this tyrannical despot. Now he plans, having lost the election totally and without question --- despite his attempts to rig the election by having non-existent people and dead people vote --- to annihilate any further opposition at the point of a gun. His intention is that anyone who dares to oppose him will have a dose of lead poisoning.
It would appear that there is nothing to be done, but is this really the case? Mugabe is, after all, only a man. Admittedly, he's not much of one, but that's what he is at the end of the day. What power has he got that can stand up to the might of the power that can be unleashed through prayer? NONE AT ALL!!!
Join the call to pray for Zimbabwe's freedom from tyranny, and pray that God will intervene in the situation to bring about a prosperous peace to this beleagured nation. Lte's help to see an end to this despotic rule of this embittered man, who has engineered the death of so many of his people. Pray at 8am; 1pm; or at 8pm, for just one minute. Experience the power of prayer as you become part of this great spiritual movement, and you will see God at work.
Mugabe is just one little man!
You may be one person alone, but joined with God through prayer you become an army!!!
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