Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Will Mugabe FINALLY go?

I'm watching the current news items about the Zimbabwean election results with great interest, for, as some of you know, I lived in that country for many years, finally leaving in 1984 when I could see what damage Mugabe and his henchmen were wreaking on it. Over the 28 years of his despotic rule I have watched as he plunged the country into deeper and deeper crisis. Inflation is estimated to be running at 200 000 percent, which is unimaginable. In Zimbabwean money I am a millionaire, with about one and a half million dollars to my name over there --- the results of dividend payments on some shares I own. However, before any of you get excited enough to write letters that seek to relieve me of my wealth, let me explain that last weekend the price of a loaf of bread was Z$25 million!

I pray that Mugabe will finally be removed from office and that the new President, Morgan Tsvangarai, will rule with more wisdom and in the interests of the country and people as a whole. I also pray that Mugabe will be brought to trial for the heinous crimes that he has been responsible for or personally committed since coming to power. As far back as the early 1980's he was responsible for the genocide of thousands of Sindebele people in Matabeleland, and that's only scratching the surface where his crimes are concerned.

One thing is for certain, and that is that should he barter a deal that lets him off the hook, perhaps to go and live in exile at the invitation of one of his dictatorial cronies, then there is one punishment that he can never evade, and that is facing God on the Day of Judgment.

Let us all pray that finally Zimbabwe will start to recover, and that God will bless the wonderful people of that nation, just as He has in the past.

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