Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Monday and Tuesday this week were both BLACK days indeed for the concept of the family as a result of the voting through the UK House of Commons in favour of the stages of the Human Enbryology and Fertilisation Bill that were voted on during that time.
For decades now the successive governments have increasingly come under the influence of the Feminist and the Homosexual and Lesbian lobbies when the subject of the family has been broached in any way. Marriage has been reduced to second-class by increasing taxation suystems that benefit those who choose to live together rather than get married, and the concept of the family unit has suffered drastically with the massive increase of children born out of wedlock, the latter being invariably with the tacit (at least) approval of the majority of society, persuaded by the vociferous feminists who haunt the Palace of Westminster.
With the passing of this oderous Bill the family has been dealt what could well ultimately prove to be a death blow. In a few years time it's likely that people who choose to live in a Biblically-based 'Family Unit' will be considered in the same light that smokers are now considered by the majority of non-smokers --- as somewhat of a pariah. Certainly, urged on by the various laws that the governments have enacted over the past few years, and especially over the last ten years, the populace, once regarded as a God-fearing Christian society, has increasingly become secularlised at the expense of God. Worship now is more likely to be a matter of worshipping all that promotes self as the best that can be aspired to than any form of realistic consideration of or for others, and for the true betterment of the human race.
How Sad!

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