Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A PREGNANT MAN --- Nonsense!

There has been much in the media recently about a 34-year old man who is around 7 - 8 months pregnant, and the people involved are set to make a lot of money from the assorted publicity. Money is, of course, at the root of this nonsense --- for that is what it is, rest assured.

How, you might well ask, could a man be pregnant? Well the answer is a simple one, for the person in question is Thomas Beatie, and this person is a woman who has a wispy beard and a very obvious 'baby-bump'. Originally called Tracy Lagondino, following surgery to remove her breasts and given testosterone to increase her masculine characteristics, she became known as Thomas Beatie. In a lesbian relationship with Nancy, the woman now referred to as Beatie's 'wife', the pair claim that they are husband and wife and, following a DIY sperm injection from an unknown donor, Tracy/Thomas became pregnant, having conveniently decided not to undergo genital surgery to fully effect a sex-change, the announcement has been made that Tracy/Thomas is pregnant. Further, they claim that she is a man, a factor that is hyped up by the media referring to her as 'him'.

The reality takes little education to work out, even by the lowest scholar!
  1. Tracy/Thomas is a woman who has opted to have her breasts removed and who has taken the male hormone, testosterone. FACT: This does not make her a man. She is still a woman, able to function as a woman, although unable to produce fertile eggs, almost certainly because of the high levels of testosterone.
  2. These two women claim that they are a married couple. FACT: Marriage is an institution ordained by God between a man and a woman for the procreation of children. Two people of the same sex, whether men or women, CANNOT be married.

No matter what altruistic claims these two women claim is the motivation behind this pregnancy, this is one writer who firmly believes that it demonstrates greed and selfishness more than anything else. They are apparently already contracted to People magazine to tell all, and they have a book coming out in September, according to themselves.

What does this declare about the state of the world we live in, and about our so-called civilised nations? That sensationalists, such as these undoubtedly are, can tout their trashy story at all says as much about those who will read about them and listen to them as it does to the couple themselves.

They have made a life-style choice to live as a lesbian couple, and that is their right, irrespective as to whether you or I may consider the relationship right or wrong. It is their right to make such a choice, and neither they nor any other same-sex couple should be demonised for it, but to perpetrate the 'pregnant man' fraud is I think a different situation.

What do you, dear reader, think about it all?

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