Friday, May 2, 2008

Sam says . . .


I thought that I'd take over his Blog for today.
I've got some great pictures to share with you.
If you wonder why I think that they are GREAT then that's easy ...
they are pictures of ME!

I decided to play my favourite game, which is playing with a ball.
I've discovered that every time that I throw it towards him he kicks it back, which is a great game. In fact, if only he understood me better, I could do this all day long.
The trouble is that he seems to tire of the game after a while!

Anyway, today was the same as usual so I decided to get him to take these pictures of me. It was so easy!!! All I had to do was look cute, and that's so easy for me 'cos I am cute. I mean, how could anyone resist me when I give them one of my cute looks?

So that's it. I hope you like my pictures.

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