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Monday, June 30, 2008
False Prophets & True Revival

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Zimbabwe Election Result Delayed!

Friday, June 27, 2008
Zimbabwe's Sham Election is Today!

Of course there will be those in the country who see death as the preferable option.
PRAY for:
- God to intervene
- Mugabe's rule to be destroyed
- Freedom from suffering for the people
- The restoration of the Nation
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Zimbabwe: Well, that's one job done!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oddwalk Ministries --- a GREAT site!

Same-Sex 'Marriage'? Rubbish!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Britain's Shame
Want to see what hanging on to power is really about? You can forget all the diatribe about looking after the people --- that's all so much hogwash! No, it's all about how deep you can get your nose into the trough and how much you can steal on your pillaging trips around your own country. Mugabe is an expert at many things:
- Violence
- Murder
- Corruption
- Rigging elections
- Grand theft
- Torture
The list is fairly endless. Looking to find someone who is an expert at Genocide? look no further than Robert Gabriel Mugabe. And you know what is especially sickening? He's actually proud of all that he's achieved during the years of his despotic, tyrannical rule!
Look at his major achievements:
- He's reduced the average life span to 37 for men and 34 for women; almost half of the average when he came to power in 1980.
- He's presided over the almost complete economic destruction of Zimbabwe during his years of tyranny, turning the 'Bread Basket of Africa' into an empty beggar's bowl.
- He has grown richer as his people have grown poorer. Easy to understand because he's done it at their expense.
- He has systematically destroyed the average Zimbabweans work-expectancy by ensuring that there is virtually no employment beyond his armed forces. Current unemployment stands at around 85%.
One 'achievement was to be Knighted by the Queen at the behest of Prime Minister John Major thirteen years ago. Accordingly he is entitled to refer to himself, and be referred to, as Sir Robert Gabriel Mugabe KCB (Knight Commander of the order of the Bath).
I have TWO burning questions for the current British Prime Minister and his government:
- "Why have you not stripped this murdering tyrant of this title already?"
- "When do NOW propose to do it?"
As long as he still officially holds this title then he brings the British Nation into disrepute. Remember the quote that 'when good men do nothing then evil flourishes.'
For too long this government, and many others like it, have stood by and let Mugabe prove the truth of that saying. We can know that men, therefore, will do nothing about the situation, so
It's time to get on your knees and pray to God that He will do something about it!
GREAT FREE Magazine!

Tomorrow I will be preaching at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Garden Village, Wrexham, and I will lead the congregation in prayer for Zimbabwe and its people. If you can join me there you will be welcome to do so, but if not --- and of course I realise that you, dear reader, will most probably not be able to be there --- then I do hope that you will heed this Call to Prayer and stand in prayer in your own church or your own home to pray for God to intervene.
Zimbabwe: the latest atrocities
The fate of the Zimbabwean people is unimaginable. Their life expectancy, should they survive his brutality, is one of the shortest in the world as a direct result of the manner in which he has consistently stripped the country bare to line his own pockets and fill his own larder, thereby depriving 'his' people of both adequate food and medical supplies. Not that he cares for one minute. As long as he and his murderous band of thugs can surround themselves with all the things denied to 99% pf the population then Mugabe considers that everything is fine.
His despotic regime has been constantly propped up by other African leaders, many of whom, although not so blatant as Mugabe, have their own crimes to answer for, but no greater support has come than that from Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's president, who is the sad excuse for a leader whose record of supporting Mugabe's regime is such that he must be tarred with the same brush. After all, if you are not against Mugabe and his tyrannical rule then you are for it. There is no excuse, and there is no fence to perch upon.
So what can be done? One of the greatest weapons that Christians around the world have is prayer. The power of prayer is immense. Prayer changes things and brings about change in a manner which man alone --- especially when so distant from the land in question --- cannot.
A short while ago in my blog I pointed people towards a website that spoke of the Stand Up for Zimbabwe campaign, and so today I do so again. Click on the link and read the latest comments.
But more than anything else I urge you to call upon your leaders, both those in the church and in national and local government, to ask God to intervene and save the Zimbabwean people from further tyranny. Pray that God will remove this despot altogether. Pray that the murder and violence against the Zimbabwean people will cease. Pray for sufficient supplies of food and medication will be made available for the people.
Just found you via the Zimbabwe Prayer Vigil link - Is this happening right now, or was it in the past? I felt to organise prayer for Zimbabwe, and have emailed quite wide to ministries in America etc. In Ipswich Australia, we held a day of Prayer and Fasting yesterday for Zimbabwe for God to move. Let me know of anything you are aware of. There is going to be a rally in Perth Australia tomorrow, led by Morgan's daughter, who lives there. I believe in prayer, and am keen to help in any way possible. Ruth Booij Ipswich Australia
Use the comment section on this blog to share your prayers for this once-beautiful and proud nation and for the millions of God's people who are being subjected to the unspeakably depraved acts of a madman. If you add your voice in prayer for this people then I thank you. If you don't then I would ask you to question why not.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Funny pictures to brighten your day!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Think that God TEMPTS you? Then read on . . .
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13)
Because temptation is a daily battle right throughout our lives, there can be no doubt that when Jesus taught us to pray to ‘Our Father, who is in heaven . . .’ we were intended to pray the prayer on a daily basis. We must never forget to whom the prayer is addressed ― the sovereign God who is our heavenly Father. In a sense each petition in the prayer affirms this in some way, but the petition that does so in a particularly special way is ‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil’. Even one day of relaxation during the battle with temptation can be spiritually fatal. Whilst Jesus didn’t experience the need in the second of the prayer’s petitions, Forgive us, He did experience temptation. Since He never succumbed to any temptation he had no need to ask for forgiveness. Some people may question whether or not Jesus really knew the full power of temptation, but the truth is that the only person who can fully understand the power of temptation is the person who is able to fully resist it, and so we can understand that Jesus knew more about temptation than any of us.
Lead us not into temptation. In this particular context the Greek word used for ’lead us’ is a word that is commonly translated ’bring us’, and is usually used with reference to a person moving something from one place to another, and probably expresses also the Hebrew idea of causing something to be brought or led. So this petition affirms that God is in a position to cause things to happen — to bring us or lead us — as it may please Him, thereby affirming Him as Sovereign. As our Sovereign Lord, God has control over everything that affects us: over our circumstances, over the spiritual forces outside our lives, and over us.
Lead us not into temptation. Since temptation can come from finding yourself in the wrong circumstance, this petition affirms that god has control over circumstances. It addresses Him as the one who orders the steps of His people, and so it becomes important to believe that God can actually order the circumstances of your life to protect you from the attractions of evil. Since temptation usually comes from spiritual forces outside the sphere of our lives this petition affirms that God has ultimate and sovereign control over all the spiritual forces in our world. Even though Satan and the forces of evil would love to be in control, the truth is that they cannot move outside the realms of God’s control. Whilst God does not cause them to do the evil that they do, nevertheless He does still have them under His sovereignty.
Lead us not into temptation. Many temptations are of our own making, and so this petition affirms that God has sovereignty over our own lives. We petition Him to LEAD US! To BRING US! And this personalises the sovereignty of God. It’s so easy to see God as having control over everything except our lives, simply because we like to feel in charge, but that can never be the case. Our lives will always be controlled by outside forces, whether the forces for good or for evil, the choice will have been made by us. It’s easy to slip into an attitude that sees all life as being out of control, but this petition affirms that God is in control.
Lead us not into temptation. Sometimes people can be confused about the source of temptation. The Bible teaches us that the devil tempts people whilst God only TESTS people. James 1: 13-15 says, let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he us carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. God Himself cannot commit sin, nor can He tempt anyone to commit sin. Therefore, it’s always a mistake for anyone to blame God for their temptation to do something wrong, for God is never responsible for temptation of any kind.
The Bible speaks of God’s testing a person. For example, Abraham was tested by god when he was instructed to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. God as not tempting Abraham to do something sinful, but He was testing the depth of Abraham’s commitment and the strength of his faith. Whenever God puts a person to the test, it’s to give that person the opportunity to prove themselves. Of course, there’s always the possibility of failure, but the test won’t create the weakness of commitment ― it will only reveal it.
Lead us not into temptation. Whenever the word temptation is used in connection with sin, another beside God is responsible. Ultimately the responsibility lies with Satan, but obviously he’ll work through our own sinful natures, through others, and through circumstances. It’s this type of temptation that is referred to in this petition. When we pray, lead us not into temptation, we are praying that we might escape a confrontation with the temptation to sin. Only fools flirt with temptation because there’s always the possibility that they’ll succumb to it.
Lead us not into temptation. What can we expect when we pray this prayer? Can we expect that god will protect us from the influence of Satan, or immunity from temptation? No! even our Lord Jesus, who surely knew how to pray this prayer, didn’t escape confrontation with temptation. We can, however, expect that we will not be stumbling headlong into temptation unprepared. We can expect that God’s provisions to aid us to resist temptation will always be both available and adequate. Paul writes, No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Lead us not into temptation is a prayer of personal surrender to the lordship and leadership of God in your life. It’s a renunciation of the lordship and leadership of self, and it expresses the desire to avoid sin. The location of this petition in the Lord’s Prayer, coming as it does after the petition for forgiveness, is very significant. Whenever we experience release from guilt through forgiveness, we are left with the desire to never sin again.
We must give God complete control over our lives. Consider what this this involves. Since temptation occurs in certain circumstances, we have to agree to stay away from places, from people, and from circumstances in which we know temptation will exist. We must surrender our free time to the Lord, allowing Him to guide where we go and in what we do. This includes the books we read, the TV programmes and films that we watch, and the company we keep. By praying this petition to the Lord we ask Him to direct us to things, places and people who will help us to avoid sin. Temptation also occurs when riches or poverty come to a person, so we must surrender our finances to His control, and be ready to let god determine how much or how little wealth will be ours to enjoy. Only when we surrender everything to the Lord do we let Him protect us fully from temptation.
Lead us not into temptation. This petition must be part of our daily prayer life, and must be the true desire of our hearts. Unless you consider sin a serious matter you cannot seriously pray this prayer.
Lead us not into temptation. Praying this petition earnestly leads to a new freedom and a renewed walk with God in full control of your life.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Refreshed, Renewed, Restored!
We had a good few days relaxation, going hither and thither just as the mood took us. One day we went to nearby Chester, had a wander around the shops and then purchased some lunch which we took down to eat by the river, spending a very pleasant hour or so simply watching the world go by. All very good for body and soul! Last Thursday we travelled to the Wirral to meet up with Chris Mercer, a great Christian singer who has also topped the Country charts both in the UK and the US with her song Jesus, Me and You. Why not take a visit to her website and check out about her.
This morning I started my week off by writing to the Archbishop of Canterbury to make my feelings known about the reports that have emerged about a sham of a marriage ceremony that was enacted at the church of St Bartholomew the Great last month. The ceremony, which involved two homosexual priests, was presided over by the Rev Martin Dudley. If we, as Christians and members of Christ's universal Church, do not make a stand and protest at this flagrant disregard of Scripture, then the Church is doomed to be cast onto the waste-heap. This was no quiet ceremony either, for the homosexual couple made their entry up the aisle of the church to a fanfare of trumpets. In fact I would suggest that the whole thing was intended to be as widely broadcast as possible as part of a means to force the church into doing what the so-called 'gay lobby' wants, which is that same-sex unions be regarded in every sense in the same way as heterosexual unions, despite Scriptures stance on the matter. It's very much a case of choosing to do what suits the individual rather than that which God has decreed, and as such will be ultimately doomed to be cast forever from God.
We are in an age where the Church is under increasing pressure to conform to the will of man rather than the will of God, and this sham ceremony, complete with the exchange of wedding vows, is a prime example of this. Christianity is being sidelined further and further from the Nation's core values, and political correctness, with all its insidious practises, is being promoted more and more. The ultimate aim, which includes the destruction of the family unit which has been promoted with great success for some years, is total subservience to the State. In the case of Europe with its aim of a single government, that means that we in this country, as others in the European Union, will be subservient to the overall European State via the puppets who are placed in the individual parliaments to create an impression of autonomy. Once this is achieved then America beware, for it will only be a matter of time before the two become one. Of course the ultimate aim is World domination, but if you talk about that then the men in white coats will be paying you a visit!
As Christians it is up to us to stand firm for what we believe in and refuse to be enticed into watering down our beliefs for the sake of expediency or political correctness. Only Christ knows the answers about our future that God has planned, and even Jesus Christ Himself does not yet know the day or the hour of His return. One thing is for certain, and that is that we must be ready for that moment, for afterwards it will be too late. NOW is the time to make DECISIONS! NOW is the time to stand for the TRUTH! NOW is the time to stand up and BE COUNTED!
Monday, June 9, 2008
On Vacation!

Friday, June 6, 2008
So, What's the Problem then?
On the same day the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, when speaking of the illegal detention of Zimbabwe's Opposition Leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, said: "The history of violence and intimidation against the opposition is a stain on Zimbabwe."
This morning's news carried an item in which Miliband made the idiotic statement to the effect that democracy meant that if the people wanted change then all they had to do was vote Mugabe out.
In the recent elections in which people DID vote Mugabe out of power even after he did all he could to rig the results he still refused to leave. Now this week the world's attention has been drawn to this prancing madman as he took centre stage in Portugal as a GUEST of the UN for the Food Programme Forum.
When will the world act? When will world compassion kick in and rescue the people of Zimbabwe from the clutches of this megalomaniac? Please lobby your Political Representative, whether Senator or Member of Parliament, depending where you live.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The UN is Guilty by Association!

This time it was to tell the world that the people of Zimbabwe were starving because 'the UK has mobilised their friends and allies in order to impose illegal sanctions against his nation in order to cripple the economy and thereby effect illegal regime change in Zimbabwe.'
Well! There was me, like the rest of the civilised world, convinced that the reason that Zimbabwe was 'enjoying' inflation at 165000 per cent, along with the devastation that exists in this once beautiful land, was all down to the tyrannical rule of this megalomaniac of a dictator. Whoops! There I go again. he can't be a dictator can he? After all, he was elected by a massive majority, not once but time and time again. We all know that this man would never stoop so low as to rig the voting in his favour, and the stories about voters being 'persuaded' by Mugabe's blood-crazed henchmen couldn't be true, could they? After all, everyone knows that Mugabe is the true saviour of Zimbabwe don't they!
To utilise a favourite expression when I lived in that far-off land (in better days!), Tough Tackies! if you are stupid enough to believe that Mugabe is anything other than a cruel, vindictive, despotic megalomaniac, hell-bent on amassing wealth at the expense of Zimbabwe; a man who has systematically raped the land and, albeit generally metaphorically, the people.
For the UN to afford this creature a platform to perform one of his well-practised rants tars the UN with the same brush. I accuse them of being guilty of the starvation, torture and killing of Zimbabweans, by association. To remove this slur all they need to do is what they should have officially done a long time ago, and that is to denounce Mugabe and his rule for what he and it is. He recently lost the election yet still refuses to hand over power, no doubt fearful of the retribution which will eventually come. How fortunate he is that he can count the UN amongst his minuscule circle of friends. What volumes it continues to speak about that Organisation if they persistently refuse to condemn Mugabe and insist that he be brought to International trial for crimes against humanity.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Do YOU have money to throw away?

This morning I picked up a 2p coin on the pavement. I picked one up yesterday as well, and a couple of days before I picked up a total of 15p in a small cluster on the pavement. Twice in recent times both Gill and myself have picked up a £2 coin, and it's become unusual to go for walk in the vicinity of our house without getting anything. you might well wonder where it comes from, but that's easy to explain. Some, of course, is the result of being accidentally dropped, and this certainly applies in the case of the larger denominations, but smaller denomination coins are simply being discarded as not worth bothering with, usually by young teenagers.
When I was growing up we were taught the value of money. We were taught that if you looked after the pennies then the pounds would look after themselves, and we learned that you needed to keep a watch on your pocket money, such as it was, and not waste it. We were taught that if you wanted something then it was important that you saved up for it first. We were taught that if we wanted money then we needed to work hard for it.
By comparison it seems nowadays that children ask for birthday and Christmas presents that are extremely expensive, urged on by advertisers who use encouraging phrases like "It's only £ xxx", and the figure can sometimes be as high as £499! How can children learn the value of money, or indeed anything else, if this is the way that they are led to believe is the right way? How often they can get a present which has cost maybe £200 or more, and then discard it in a few months or even weeks because there is something newer or bigger or with a different label that they decide they absolutely MUST have!
So who's really at fault? Is it the Advertisers who seek to relieve us of as much hard-earned cash as possible, or is it us for falling for the pressures of child-nagging and the need (at least perceived) for our children to equal their peer group? If all parents refused to be bullied then the peer groups would be much as they were in our younger days, and perhaps then the sense of balance would be restored along with a true sense of value. There is nothing truer than the fact that something achieved or obtained for no cost is usually of no value to the recipient.
Want to see change? And no, I don't mean the change that I find thrown away or carelessly dropped in the street. I mean a change in the way that people value what they have. Perhaps you have an idea of how you might achieve this. If you do then why not share it with my reader by posting your comment.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Are YOU a 'Whenwe'?

The other day I posted a blog about the time that I lived in Rhodesia, and that reminded me about a particular type of person who could often be found living there. They came from all sorts of backgrounds and from a variety of countries, although those from the UK were probably the most prevalent, and they all belonged to a group of people who were known as 'Whenwe's'.
Whenever they started to get into a conversation with you it was easy to see how they earned the sobriquet, for it would not be very long when they started to talk about a subject before they started to say of it, "When we . . ." It was "When we lived in England we did this." or "When we went to ---- we saw/did/ate/thought/etc." I'm sure that you get the idea!
The problem with these people was that they seemed unable to be satisfied with where they were or what they had. They always talked about where they had been previously as being better than where they were now, or claimed that what they used to have was far better/far bigger/etc than what they currently had. It's a bad trait in some people to never ever be satisfied with what they have at the time, yet the moment that you have something, whatever it is, is surely the finest moment to appreciate it as it is, 'faults and all', so to speak.
if you go through life wishing for times/places/things/people/situations/etc that used to be then you will never manage to find the time to appreciate the gifts and blessings of today. The truth is that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is yet to come, so that only leaves today, so today
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Another musical notch!

Just a few days ago, on the 26th May to be exact, my song-writing partner Greg Scheer wrote in his MusicBlog: I just finished my 34th song with lyricist Colin Gordon-Farleigh. It’s a ballad called “This Is the Way.” If you know any Broadway musical producers, call them and tell them I’ve got their next hit. If you visit Greg's site by clicking on the link in the sidebar of my blog then you can catch the song for yourself. Have a listen to the cheesy computerised Finale version as you read the words, and see what you think.
In fact, his blog entry is already out of date because yesterday evening I received the 35th song that Greg has co-written with me! It's a song for the Country-style album that we are putting together for release in 2009, and it's called A Country Kinda Guy. In fact there's a very strong rumour that Greg will be recording this CD, so watch out for news of it in the future!
Greg has been composing the music for my lyrics since 2006 and , although we've never yet met, we seem to have struck a chord with each other's work (pun intended!). I really enjoy the music that he composes for my words, and I think that I would have to go a long way to better it. I hasten to add that's not intended in any way to diminish the compositions that other composers work on with me in the Worship field of course.
I really thank God for the day that He got Greg and I together!