Yesterday the leading African Despot, Robert Gabriel Mugabe --- you know the one; the creature that believes the best way to stay in power is by starving and beating your people into submission, and if that fails, by killing them off --- was officially granted a platform to speak by the United Nations at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation HQ in Rome, addressing the delegates who were either too fat, too bored, or thinking about ways to enrich themselves even more at the expense of the masses, in one of his normal diatribes.
This time it was to tell the world that the people of Zimbabwe were starving because 'the UK has mobilised their friends and allies in order to impose illegal sanctions against his nation in order to cripple the economy and thereby effect illegal regime change in Zimbabwe.'
Well! There was me, like the rest of the civilised world, convinced that the reason that Zimbabwe was 'enjoying' inflation at 165000 per cent, along with the devastation that exists in this once beautiful land, was all down to the tyrannical rule of this megalomaniac of a dictator. Whoops! There I go again. he can't be a dictator can he? After all, he was elected by a massive majority, not once but time and time again. We all know that this man would never stoop so low as to rig the voting in his favour, and the stories about voters being 'persuaded' by Mugabe's blood-crazed henchmen couldn't be true, could they? After all, everyone knows that Mugabe is the true saviour of Zimbabwe don't they!
To utilise a favourite expression when I lived in that far-off land (in better days!), Tough Tackies! if you are stupid enough to believe that Mugabe is anything other than a cruel, vindictive, despotic megalomaniac, hell-bent on amassing wealth at the expense of Zimbabwe; a man who has systematically raped the land and, albeit generally metaphorically, the people.
For the UN to afford this creature a platform to perform one of his well-practised rants tars the UN with the same brush. I accuse them of being guilty of the starvation, torture and killing of Zimbabweans, by association. To remove this slur all they need to do is what they should have officially done a long time ago, and that is to denounce Mugabe and his rule for what he and it is. He recently lost the election yet still refuses to hand over power, no doubt fearful of the retribution which will eventually come. How fortunate he is that he can count the UN amongst his minuscule circle of friends. What volumes it continues to speak about that Organisation if they persistently refuse to condemn Mugabe and insist that he be brought to International trial for crimes against humanity.
This time it was to tell the world that the people of Zimbabwe were starving because 'the UK has mobilised their friends and allies in order to impose illegal sanctions against his nation in order to cripple the economy and thereby effect illegal regime change in Zimbabwe.'
Well! There was me, like the rest of the civilised world, convinced that the reason that Zimbabwe was 'enjoying' inflation at 165000 per cent, along with the devastation that exists in this once beautiful land, was all down to the tyrannical rule of this megalomaniac of a dictator. Whoops! There I go again. he can't be a dictator can he? After all, he was elected by a massive majority, not once but time and time again. We all know that this man would never stoop so low as to rig the voting in his favour, and the stories about voters being 'persuaded' by Mugabe's blood-crazed henchmen couldn't be true, could they? After all, everyone knows that Mugabe is the true saviour of Zimbabwe don't they!
To utilise a favourite expression when I lived in that far-off land (in better days!), Tough Tackies! if you are stupid enough to believe that Mugabe is anything other than a cruel, vindictive, despotic megalomaniac, hell-bent on amassing wealth at the expense of Zimbabwe; a man who has systematically raped the land and, albeit generally metaphorically, the people.
For the UN to afford this creature a platform to perform one of his well-practised rants tars the UN with the same brush. I accuse them of being guilty of the starvation, torture and killing of Zimbabweans, by association. To remove this slur all they need to do is what they should have officially done a long time ago, and that is to denounce Mugabe and his rule for what he and it is. He recently lost the election yet still refuses to hand over power, no doubt fearful of the retribution which will eventually come. How fortunate he is that he can count the UN amongst his minuscule circle of friends. What volumes it continues to speak about that Organisation if they persistently refuse to condemn Mugabe and insist that he be brought to International trial for crimes against humanity.
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