Saturday, June 21, 2008

Britain's Shame

Want to take a peek inside the opulent palace that is Mugabe's main home in Zimbabwe? Take a look at this report.

Want to see what hanging on to power is really about? You can forget all the diatribe about looking after the people --- that's all so much hogwash! No, it's all about how deep you can get your nose into the trough and how much you can steal on your pillaging trips around your own country. Mugabe is an expert at many things:
  • Violence
  • Murder
  • Corruption
  • Rigging elections
  • Grand theft
  • Torture

The list is fairly endless. Looking to find someone who is an expert at Genocide? look no further than Robert Gabriel Mugabe. And you know what is especially sickening? He's actually proud of all that he's achieved during the years of his despotic, tyrannical rule!

Look at his major achievements:

  • He's reduced the average life span to 37 for men and 34 for women; almost half of the average when he came to power in 1980.
  • He's presided over the almost complete economic destruction of Zimbabwe during his years of tyranny, turning the 'Bread Basket of Africa' into an empty beggar's bowl.
  • He has grown richer as his people have grown poorer. Easy to understand because he's done it at their expense.
  • He has systematically destroyed the average Zimbabweans work-expectancy by ensuring that there is virtually no employment beyond his armed forces. Current unemployment stands at around 85%.

One 'achievement was to be Knighted by the Queen at the behest of Prime Minister John Major thirteen years ago. Accordingly he is entitled to refer to himself, and be referred to, as Sir Robert Gabriel Mugabe KCB (Knight Commander of the order of the Bath).

I have TWO burning questions for the current British Prime Minister and his government:

  1. "Why have you not stripped this murdering tyrant of this title already?"
  2. "When do NOW propose to do it?"

As long as he still officially holds this title then he brings the British Nation into disrepute. Remember the quote that 'when good men do nothing then evil flourishes.'

For too long this government, and many others like it, have stood by and let Mugabe prove the truth of that saying. We can know that men, therefore, will do nothing about the situation, so

It's time to get on your knees and pray to God that He will do something about it!

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