Friday, June 27, 2008

Zimbabwe's Sham Election is Today!

Democracy means that you have freedom of choice, and this is as true in Zimbabwe as anywhere else. The tyrannical despot Mugabe guarantees the people of that beleaguered nation a choice in today's sham election. The people have been told that they must vote.

The choice is a simple one:

Either you vote to re-elect Mugabe or you opt to be beheaded.

Couldn't be simpler, really, could it.

I'll spell it out.

If you want to remain alive (albeit only for the national average of 37 for men or 34 if you are a woman), then you must vote to keep in power the very despot who is directly responsible for all of your nation's downfall. If you decide that you want change then you'll get the greatest change of all by not voting, because you will have chosen to die.

Of course there will be those in the country who see death as the preferable option.

The best result would be if the entire nation refrained from voting, although of course Mugabe's thugs will vote for him at all costs because they fear the retribution that will ultimately follow when this despot if finally toppled from power.
Please don't let up from PRAYING for the Zimbabwean people.

PRAY for:
  • God to intervene
  • Mugabe's rule to be destroyed
  • Freedom from suffering for the people
  • The restoration of the Nation

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