Monday, July 28, 2008

Tag, Hop-Scotch, and Gin Rummy!

I got a message from Natalie at Koinonia who, being someone who reads anything, (even the labels on sauce bottles I'm led to believe), is a regular reading of the ramblings of this blog. She advised me that I've been 'TAGGED'! Years ago, when I was but a small sprog, I played Tag and knew people who played 'Hop-Scotch', but either the rules have changed or this is a different sort of Tag! I mentioned Gin-Rummy 'cos it seemed to 'sit' well with the other two.

Anyway, for the uninitiated, here are the rules:
  • Link to the person who 'tagged' you.

  • Post the rules on your Blog: in other words what you are reading now.

  • Write 6 random things about yourself (mine are below).

  • Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them. There's nothing sinister here --- it's just a game!

  • Let each person know they have been tagged, and leave a comment on their Blog.

  • Finally, let the 'Tagger' know when your entry is up.

Well, that seems simple enough, doesn't it, dear reader. At least it is if you know lots of Blogs, but if, like me, you don't, then it creates the problem of actually finding six to link to. Anyway, being an adventurer at heart I'll have a go!

6 bits of random info about yours truly!

  1. I guess the first has to be what I'm about, which is serving God in any way that I can. You can tell that from my Blog and from my website. I've been a committed Christian since 1969 and no matter how much I do in the way of 'Serving' it never seems to be enough! I'm conscious that every Christian is called to preach and heal, and so it's important to realise that it's not just the task of the ordained Pastor to minister to others, but the task of every Christian. Christ Himself has commissioned us to share the Gospel message everywhere we go, so that's good enough for me.

  2. I have a great sense of humour! The problem is that not everybody agrees with me about that. I think that's funny! But there again, with a sense of humour like mine I think that most things have a funny side if only you know how to look for it. Humour in my average day starts the moment that I get up and look at myself in the mirror . . . oh well!

  3. I love doing 'busy' jigsaw puzzles, usually 1000 piece ones. I like a puzzle that takes me about a week to complete, fiddling with it when I have an odd moment. (My wife thinks that, being me, I have lots of odd moments. Hmmm! I wonder if she means the same thing as I do!

  4. I usually have a couple of books on the go in addition to my Bible reading. I like to dip into a 'serious' type of book, whilst, at the same time, I enjoy reading what I describe as 'Country Sagas'. I like characters who I can get to know through the pages, and then I can go to work with them and see the world through their eyes.

  5. I spent twelve years living in Africa --- Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Rhodesia/Zimbabwe --- and I have a passionate concern for the people who are so desperately in need for so many reasons. You can understand what I mean when you read the entries on my Blog about Zimbabwe.

  6. I'm married to the best woman in the world! In fact, today is our Wedding Anniversary. She makes me feel special, and I absolutely lover her to bits. What more can I say! My Valentine's Day gift to her last year was a love-song, When I'm With You, so you might gather that I'm a bit of a romantic kind of guy. The song was recently released on CD as the title song, and you can hear a whole SIXTY SECONDS of it on the Sheer Joy Music website.
My first 'TAG!' is for the 'Roosters' at A Hen's Pace which is always a worthwhile visit to make. I don't get a lot of time to check out other Blogs, but this is one I enjoy. If ever you think that real families don't exist any more this family will restore your faith a little!

My next 'TAG' is reserved for two great guys at Oddwalk Ministries who love to share the Gospel in a variety of ways, using a mixture of fun and music to do so.

When I need a little extra Scriptural nourishment then I know I can find it by paying a visit to Starr at Thresholds. I know that she has already 'Tagged' Natalie, but so what? I enjoy her Blog, and so that's a good reason to list her here!

Not strictly a blog site but almost! I like John Roller's FREE STUFF, in which he shares his Scriptural viewpoints, and so I've decided to include him on this list, if only because it's such a worthwhile read when you visit. Why not take a look and see for yourself.

There are some Blogs that I visit occasionally simply because they're nice to drop in on. One such blog is A Circle of Quiet, so why not drop on by and call in on them sometime? Some great pictures and a cool look at life.

Finally, because I like the things of God I also like to find people of God and share the moments that they're generous with. Here's a good place to drop by for a while and enjoy a Holy Experience. Share a wide variety of thoughts drawn from the whole gamut of human experience. (That sounded good didn't it!)

So there we are! My first experience at this particular game of TAG. It was fun, but not as easy as it might at first seem.


  1. That was cool! I feel like I know you a little better now.
    Thanks for tagging me! I will get my six things up in a day or two. Make sure to stop by my freewebs site and read them, ok?
    Hope you and your wonderful wife have a blessed anniversary today and congrats!
    Love and blessings,
    Starr LaPradd

  2. Thanks for the nice compliment to our family! Don't know if I will get to respond before or after an upcoming trip, but will try to soon!


    P.S. Loved your report on the healing conference--praise the Lord!

  3. Happy Anniversary! and by the way, sauce bottles can be quite interesting. You are funny. You had me laughing.

    I too have a heavy heart for the people of Africa. I will one day go there, but to date the edge (Israel and Egypt) is the closest I have been. I still believe that God is preparing a couple of children in Africa for living in my home one day. I pray for them daily.
