Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm Training to be a HAMSTER!

Following my release from the hospital where I was rushed on Monday, I have just been given an appointment to go on the treadmill in a couple of weeks time. I have every reason to believe that this is all part of training me up to become a HAMSTER!

Seriously though, I'm taking life very easily at present, just chilling out in order to try to de-stress myself. Of course, should they manage to turn me into a hamster then they need to realise that hamsters have lives that are absolutely FULL of stress. No matter, for I've determined to resist the change. Although I shall go on the treadmill just to make them think that I'm going along with them!

Have I managed to make you smile? I certainly hope so. In the meantime please may I ask you, dear reader, to say a prayer for my speedy recovery. No matter what the medics do for me I know that the most important thing is always prayer, and I do value yours especially.

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