Friday, September 19, 2008

'Thankyou' is SUCH an important little word!

Of all the thing we say ---
when on our knees we pray ---
the thing that matters most of all,
the thing that always should be heard,
is such an easy little word.

Yet, in the hurry that we're in,
we ask God to forgive our sin,
we ask Him to be sure and heal
the people who are on our mind,
--- the ones towards whom we feel kind.

We ask for this, we ask for that,
for blessings on the place we're at.
We pray for friend --- and even foe,
for travelling mercies where we go;
and each and every day, we pray.

Yet, sometimes in the daily rush
there is one thing not always heard.
A word of thanks for all that's done,
sent up to God, the holy One,
'Thankyou' is SUCH an important word!

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