Thursday, September 11, 2008

When will the UK wake up to this threat?

Reports abound today in the UK Press about yet ANOTHER Muslim police officer who is preparing a claim against Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair. Whilst I certainly do not carry a banner of support for the way that he has performed in office, nevertheless I suspect that this has less to do with what appears on the surface of the arguments being put forward and more to do with the general Islamic advance in the UK.

The United Kingdom has a Muslim population of 2.7%, and also affords refuge to many recognised Islamic terrorists such as Abu Qatada. Already the battleground is being prepared for further skirmishes. In recent times there have been increasing calls for Sharia Law to be the rule in the various Muslim ghettos, and there is some evidence that this is happening in some areas already, even without official recognition or sanction.

For many years the UK has been subjected to the depraved rants of various extremist Islamic clerics such as Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada, hell-bent on fulfilling the mission to convert the world into one global Islamic state, working piecemeal, country by country, in order to bring together the whole. In this they have been assisted by the assortment of politicians who court their vote in order to remain in office, despite the ultimate cost to the nation.

Returning to the subject of the police force, I question exactly how a National Black Police Association can be allowed to exist in this so-called racially-integrated society of ours, yet should it be decided by a group of officers to promote a National White Police Association it would be met by screams people labelling it a 'racist' act.

Makes you think, doesn't it? When will the UK wake up to this threat?

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