Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In my capacity as publisher of The Voice Christian News & Views magazine, I deal with many Christian writers and pastors from around the globe, one of whom is Dr Ralph F Wilson who has a website called Joyful Heart Ministries. There is a wealth of information on the site, which is certainly enought to inspire the majority of seeking Christians! So, if you are seeking personal inspiration, Bible Studies, Study information and help, or Illustrations and articles for use in producing a Church Newsletters, then this is a great site to have stored in your 'Favourites', ready to dip into whenever you need to.

Here are just a few of the articles currently available on the site:

Just What Is the Gospel? A simple answer to a profound question.
How to Improve Your Personal Bible Study with Bible Study Tool Recommendations
A Tiny Portion from the Feast: A Communion Meditation, considering the Lord's Supper as a portion from the Feast at Jesus' Last Supper as well as a portion of the Feast in the Kingdom at Jesus' Return.
Four Reasons Why I Believe in the Trinity, A careful reading of the New Testament requires a trinitarian understanding of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Using the Internet to Build Christian Community, Use of chat, instant messaging, forums, and e-mail discussion for evangelism, fellowship, and teaching.
Scared to Death of Smiling, On loneliness, fear, and smiling.
Will You Lead Us In Prayer? How to minister as you pray in public.
Lord, You Can Use My Boat, A short story of the call of Peter dealing with the stewardship of all we possess.

Just click on the links to experience for yourself!

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