Front-page news in the UK Press today is the story about two BBC presenters, Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, who thought it highly amusing to telephone 78-year old actor Andrew Sachs (who is best known for his role as Manuel in Faulty Towers) and tell him that Brand had had sex with Georgina, Andrew Sachs' granddaughter. Not only that, but it was done before an estimated 2 million listeners.
Now, just how hilarious was that piece of broadcasting! In the twisted minds of these two so-called entertainers, they obviously thought it was side-splitting, but then that shows just how puerile they both are.
If the offensive had been mounted live on air then the BBC might be forgiven for it, BUT it was not only a prerecorded section of Brand's radio show, it had actually been PASSED as being OK!!!
Quite apart from my consideration for the feelings of Andrew Sachs, I am also highly concerned that part of my licence money goes to pay the inflated fees that these two trashy 'entertainers' receive.
I sincerely hope that both the BBC and also Brand and Ross are prosecuted for this highly offensive episode. Perhaps the BBC might even consider the best final solution. If they are unsure of what that is then I'll tell them now:
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