Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Take a moment to reflect . . .

  • Sometimes, in all the hustle and bustle of the world around us, it's good to step aside for a moment and just simply take time to reflect on all the beauty of the world that we live in.
  • It's so easy to become downhearted when we read of the ugliness of daily living with all of the struggles and the strife that we can sometimes be faced with.
  • It's at such times that we need to refresh our souls, and what better way than to step to one side and look around at all that God has made and count our blessings.
  • How often we find that there are many more blessings than we ever thought possible, and it's at that moment of realisation that we find also that our souls respond and we are transported to realms of glory from our inner being, heavenward to a moment where we experience God's presence.

I pray that today will be a special day for you, dear reader, and that you will experience a moment in the day with God the Creator of all things.

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