Thursday, November 27, 2008

Runcorn's Footbal Club's History : 'Gone! But not Forgotten'

This new book, which records the birth, growth and history of Runcorn's Football Club, will be available in a couple of weeks time, and is a 'must-have' book for everyone interested in the history of the game in Runcorn. The author, Chris Darlington, obviously writes with the passion of one who has been involved first-hand, and he has interviewed countless numbers of people in the process of researching Gone! But not forgotten. There are eleven pages of photographs, some of which portray the team as far back as the 1920's, and all of which add to the general feeling of a Club that was well loved.
From humble beginnings to the final chapter involving the sale of the Canal Street ground for a housing development, here is the story seen through the eyes of supporters. It is well written and well researched, and at £4.95 will make a welcome stocking-filler for many a fan of Runcorn's football past.
If you would like to order an advance copy then you can do so by emailing your details to the author.
A poem of mine has been included on the final page, and I post it here now for you to read:

The Stands are Silent Now

The Stands are silent now.
No more the crowds that cheered
the yellow and the green;
no more the players and the fans
where once our pride had been.
No more the glorious sound
of leather boot on leather ball,
across our hallowed ground.
For now, where once we stood
to watch our heroes play the game,
and cheered them on and on
and watched them win the cup,
the Stands are silent now,
and they’re putting houses up.

© 2008 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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