Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Happy New Year for 2009!

Dear reader, I wish you all every happiness and every blessing for 2009. My prayer for each of you is that it will be a year of peacefulness and that your life will be enriched by all that touches it throughout the year.
Thank you all for sharing my journey through the past year. People from around the world in over forty countries have joined me throughout 2008, which has been a great privilege for me.
I look forward to your company throughout the coming year and promise to make the journey as varied and interesting as I'm able to.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to yourself as well.

    Also, I attended Midnight Mass in Corsham. I was unsurprised to see a church full of mostly unfamiliar faces. I spent most of the service praying people would be touched by something in the service that would encourage them to dig a little deeper. Please pray for those who have attended church services all over the world during Christmas, whether out of 'routine' or because it's 'the done thing,' that something said may touch their lives and encourage them to search for Christ.

    God bless,

