Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Holy War

I wonder why so much of the Media aims its criticism in the current war situation against Israel, when so little is made of the fact that Hamas has been targeting Israel with rockets for the past sight years. After all, if your neighbour had been throwing stones at your windows for the past eight years would you not retaliate? I guess that the answer is that if your neighbour was part of the Islamic jihad movement then if you dared to retaliate it would be you that would be seen to be the aggressor.

Make no mistake, the current situation in Gaza is most definitely part of a global movement towards the Islamification of the entire world. the terrorist organisation Hamas' avowed intent as part of this is to deal with what they refer to as 'the Saturday People' first of all and then turn their attention to 'the Sunday People'. In other words, the annihilation of the Jews is a primary objective with a similar fate promised for Christians upon the primary objective being realised.

With the influx into most countries of large numbers of Muslims, many of whom are Islamic extremists, it seems that the host countries bend over backwards to accommodate their viewpoint at any cost, claiming that anyone who dares to broach opposition in any form is a racist, or is guilty of religious persecution. In the West it is not politically correct to criticize Muslims or Islam in any way whatsoever, yet there is no objection to the Islamic world's vilification of the host country and its way of life. Hence we have seen in Britain --- that nation that was once referred to as GREAT Britain --- a series of hate-filled Islamic Clerics who have focused their attention on the destruction of Western Civilization and anything that stands in the way of Global Islamification.

Nobody can condone the deaths of innocent civilians, especially children, in any war situation, but Hamas is a war-machine that considers the deaths of its own people, irrespective of age, as being simply a cost attributable to achieving the 'Primary' objective, i.e. the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people. Find this difficult to believe? Question then why Hezbollah is now starting to attack Israel in the North of the country. Hamas claims that god is on their side. If that is the case then I wonder why their casualties are so great whilst Israeli casualties are so few?

Make no mistake, what is happening to the Jewish nation today can happen to the Christian nations tomorrow. It is not simply a localised conflict, nor does it only involve Israel and Gaza. It is a Holy War. Ignore it at your peril.

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