Tuesday, February 24, 2009

International Prayer & Revival Gathering Coming!

GATHERING for PRAYER & PREACHING - A Gathering Unto Him.

MORIAH CHAPEL, WALES - Where the Welsh Revival began

DATES: APRIL 3-4, 2009

"Revive Us Again, O Lord"

SPEAKERS - David Servant (USA), Torben Sondergard (Denmark),Andrew Strom (New Zealand),

Dyfrig Griffiths (Introductory talk on the Welsh Revival),

Moderator - Colin Gordon-Farleigh.


This is an international gathering at the place where the last great Welsh Revival broke out in 1904-1905

  • for prayer and preaching

  • to cry out to God for Wales and the world

  • that He might rend the heavens and come down

  • that He might "Revive us again".
Find out more by logging on to the special page on Andrew Strom's website here. there will be visitors from all over the world attending this gathering.

If you cannot come yourself then please hold the Conference and the Speakers in prayer.

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