Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The face of Islamic Extremism on display in Luton (UK)

Today the Media have displayed the contorted image of Islamic Extremism in Britain which has once again reared its hate-fuelled face in the demonstration against the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglican Regiment. Added to the insults hurled yesterday which, although the perpetrators may claim were aimed at the returning troops, were in fact insults which affect every decent man, woman and child of the nation, was the smug face of the protesters spokesman, Anjem Choudary, on the GMTV this morning, barely able to conceal his delight at being granted such a prominent platform to air his unacceptable and racist views. He argued that he was born in Britain, as though that gave him some sort of right to foment hatred against other Britons, yet the truth of the matter is that had the position been reversed it would have had very different consequences.
Two people, whose anger at the Islamic hatred-inspired placards and chants of the protesters, were arrested, whilst the police gave protection to this chanting hate-filled mob. The more that people like this are allowed to foist their particular brand of poison on the nation then the harder it is to distinguish anything good in the cause of Islam, for they represent all that is Islamic to vast swathes of the populace.
Had the demonstration taken place in an Islamic country, particularly bearing in mind what the extremist on GMTV said about most Islamic countries being dictatorships, then it is not difficult to imagine the outcome. Had such a protest by a Christian group based in Iran been made against, for example, the Islamic fundamentalists who orchestrated the London bombings, 9/11, the Mumbai atrocities, and many, many more such events, then it is almost certain that the protesters would have been dispatched to their deaths without mercy and in great haste.
When will Western nations wake up to the fact that the aim of the Islamic fundamentalists is the Islamification of the world, and that nothing will be allowed to stand in their way, all ends being considered acceptable. Is it not time to root out the canker that has been allowed to develop in the midst of the Western nations once and for all. If these people do not like the Western nations that have either spawned them or homed them then the best thing they could do is to go and live in an Islamic nation and practise their hatred there.
Of course, I realise that my comments are not politically correct in a nation that has cowed down to the bullying tactics of these terror-inspiring extremists. Should I be afraid? Well, the answer is that 'when good men do nothing then evil flourishes', and I for one cannot simply roll over with my belly exposed and submit to the pressures that these people continually attempt to apply to the nation as a whole. It's high time that the Government acted in a positive way to put a stop to these people. If the European Law of Human Rights --- otherwise known as the Criminals Charter --- is continually used to protect these extremists then it's time that this nation renounced such a flawed Law and reverted to the Law of Common Sense.
I should point out that despite the hatred expressed against so many people, I do not hate these people in any way whatsoever. I do, however, despise their actions and condemn any doctrine which foments hatred and violence as being totally unacceptable. It would be so easy to say that these extremists represent all that Islam is, but of course, as with extremists of any persuasion, that is not the case.
One of the benefits of living in a democracy rather than in a totalitarian regime is that there is freedom of speech, and that is the freedom that extremists such as those who formed yesterday's demonstration abuse with such expertise. Of course, conversely, should you protest at the demonstraters abusive behaviour then you will perhaps be led to believe that you do, after all, live under totalitarian rule, for, as yesterday proved, it is likely that you will be the one arrested rather than those who have incited the populace in the first instance.

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