Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today I'm off to Cardiff . . .

I shall be getting ready in a couple of hours time to drive down to Cardiff, which is about three-and-a-half hours away from my home. I'll be attending a meeting of my denominational Association which is being hosted by Fairwater Presbyterian Church in Cardiff, one of the churches under the ministerial care of my good friend the Rev'd Tom Phillips.
I'll be staying with Tom for the two days, and look forward to catching up with him in general and a few good discussions about the state of the Church in particular. He is a Minister well-grounded in Scripture who believes passionately about the need for the Gospel to be preached in churches, and decries the rubbish that is spoken form so many pulpits where watered down versions, social gospel, and universalism, are preached, none of which serve any kingdom purpose.
Tomorrow morning I shall be preaching to the Minister's meeting on the subject of Salvation by Grace, preaching on Titus 3, verses 4-7. Think of me and pray for me, that the Lord will give me the right Word in season.

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