Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The WORD grows by sharing!

Faith is, in the beginning, just like a tiny seed. It gets planted by the sharing of the Word of God. Sometimes, as in the Parable of the Sower, the seed falls onto barren ground and fails to grow, whilst at other times it starts to grow but stops after a short while because the soil is far too shallow to sustain it. Thankfully though, there are many occasions when the seed falls onto fertile ground, takes root and grows.

Unfortunately, however, all too often there is insufficient nurturing, and the seedlings never seem to grow any bigger in real terms. Oh yes, there is a show of greenery, sometimes enough to fool some of the onlookers, but when you make a prolonged study of the seedling then you find that there is no real substance to the growth.

There is an expression that 'From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow'. So it is with the seeds of faith --- from the tiniest seed the mightiest tree can grow. Or, in other words, by you sharing the Word, just as you have been commissioned to by Jesus Christ, so faith is planted, and when that faith is nurtured then it grows. It grows bigger and bigger, the more that it is nurtured. It needs to be fed on the Word of God, watered , and yes, even pruned back on occasion, in order for it to ultimately bear good fruit.

The faith that we are blessed with is not a natural thing for us to have, which is why it is a gift that God blesses us with in order to help us and others as we make our journey through this life in preparation for the next.

What a great God we have! Even the faith that we need in order to believe and spiritually grow
is a gift of His grace.

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