Monday, May 4, 2009

Human Rights & Responsibilities

It saddened me to read in this morning's newspaper that the thug who killed the little boy referred to as 'Baby P' and has also just been found guilty of raping a 2-year old infant, is expected to take the case for an Appeal against his conviction to the Appeals Court on the basis that the recent trial breached his Human Rights under Article Six of the Human Rights Act.

He claims that this little girl, now aged four, was too young and incompetent to give evidence. He obviously never considered that she was too young when he raped her.

It is so sad that the Human Rights Act, no doubt intended to afford protection when a person's Human Rights have been genuinely challenged or denied, is constantly used by the criminal fraternity and by those who consider that their actions should be outside of the laws of any decent nation. Hence we see that thugs who are found guilty of murder, of rape, or are a threat to National Security, so often successfully use this flawed Act to hide behind, finding protection for their actions. The same protection against their actions was never afforded of course to their victims.

In order to justify being able to claim Human Rights it is necessary for an individual to show responsibility as well. If, by their actions, they have shown that they have a blatant disregard for responsibility then they should be considered to have abdicated their human rights by their decision to abdicate their responsibility.

Perhaps it might be a worthwhile exercise to let this particular brutish thug sit with a group of prisoners and try to justify his case with them. At least, at the end of such a 'discussion' it's arguable as to whether he would be in a position to go to the Appeals Court or indeed to anywhere else either. Just a thought . . .

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