Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Same-sex 'Marriage'?

On Tuesday, California's Supreme Court upheld the State's ban on same-sex couples being allowed to marry, although it decided against retroactive application of the ban, dissolving all previously recognised such marriages, considering that it would be too disruptive to do so. 

Not surprisingly, there was the usually outcry by those affected in real terms by the Court's decision, and equally there were comments from those who had lobbied in favour of Proposition 8, a Californian Ballot Proposal passed on 4th November, 2008, which altered the State Constitution in order to restrict the definition of the term 'marriage' to mean legal union between opposite-sex couples, eliminating same-sex couples in the process.

Perhaps it would help to look at a few definitions regarding marriage according to the Concise Oxford Dictionary:
  • Marriage: 'The formal union of a man and a woman, typically as recognised by law, by which they become husband and wife.'
  • Husband: 'A married man considered in relation to his wife.'
  • Wife: 'A married woman considered in relation to her husband.'
  • Man: 'An adult human male.'
  • Woman: 'An adult human female.'
Throughout the world the majority view is the same as the view of the Christian church, that marriage is a gift of God that is not to be taken lightly, and is a state entered into by a man and a woman as defined in the Bible in the Book of Genesis.

I hold firmly to the Biblical Christian viewpoint that marriage, in terms of the accepted definition, can only take place between a couple of the opposite sex, and it is for this reason that I cannot accept the term marriage in relation to a union between two people of the same sex, whether in a homosexual or lesbian relationship. Simply to shout over and over that it's unfair, discriminatory, or any of the usual rhetoric, will not, and indeed cannot, make it right in terms of the Bible. Unfortunately, those who support the concept, albeit in a small minority when viewed as a percentage of the global population, are extremely vociferous in their protestations, particularly when compared with the relative wall of silence from people who are either afraid to speak out or who are somewhat apathetic in these matters.

It is irrespective that some States have passed laws recognising homosexual and lesbian unions as marriage. It still does not make it right in terms of Holy Scripture. 

I stress that my belief with regard to this issue is in support of the Scriptural concept of marriage, and is not intended as a condemnation of any individuals, although I cannot accept the life-style choice of those individuals. It is, of course, my right to believe as I do on the matter, just as it is the right of others to oppose my beliefs by stating their opposing beliefs. Despite this, I have no doubt that the heterophobic sections of society will once again sharpen their poison arrows and try to shout me down.

Still won't make it right though, will it?

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