Monday, July 20, 2009

Cornwall beckons . . .

I shall be conducting a Mission in the Redruth & Camborne area of Cornwall all next week, from Monday 27th July through to Friday 31st July. This will be a long overdue visit to one of my favourite counties in the UK, the last time I was there being about three years ago.

I look forward to the privilege of being able to share the Word of God with the folk whom I'm to speak to, and pray that the Lord will use me and that it will be a time of great blessing.

Cornwall, like Wales, has a rich spiritual heritage, and was the subject of several visits by John Wesley who rode through the country on horseback, sharing the Gospel and planting seeds of faith as he went. Typical of the Chapels that were built at that time is the Wesleyan Chapel in Camborne pictured above. Until recently one of my sisters lived in a house that used to be an Inn, and where Wesley stayed on a number of occasions.

Please pray for me as I prepare for this mission and throughout next week, dear reader, that I will be given the words to share at the various meetings, and that God might increase and I diminish throughout the Mission.

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