Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back From the Holidays . . .

We returned from Wales late yesterday afternoon, but I have yet to download and sort the many photos that I took over the past week. We visited lots of places, some that we'd been to before and some new, and we walked miles! We took our little dog, Sam, with us, and I wouldn't be too surprised if his short legs have got a little bit shorter with the distance that he walked. He had a great time, as we did, and the good news was that we never got wet once, even though we were out somewhere for most of every day. That was a change from last year when we went to Anglesey in North Wales. There was hardly a day that it didn't rain, and we got wet many times, although the rain, I have to add, was warm, it being the Summer Season!

Over the next week I'll post pictures of places that we visited, such as St David's Cathedral, Little Haven, Milford Haven, and Llys-y-Fran. That way we'll be able to share our holiday a little bit with you, dear reader.

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