Thursday, August 13, 2009


More! More! More!

So much of our world today is about SELF, and about how much we can get for ourselves. We look after the flesh, cossetting it to the nth degree, supplying not only its needs but as many of its desires as we possibly can. Now, I don't think that we should necessarily deny ourselves every comfort that helps to improve our standard of living, but the problem is that whilst the flesh is being supplied the spirit is being left out, and that puts us on the pathway to ultimate destruction.

We are living in a corrupt society. It has been corrupted by greed, and the result is that more and more people are victims in one way or another. Victims of stress, victims of fear, victims of self-will and self delusion. The role models for the young of our society are more air-heads than hero's; a mixture of 'celebrities' who are famous for being famous, overpaid footballers and self-abusers who revel in the notoriety of being drunk night after night. Those who should set an example are often better examples of corruption than they are of true moral and ethical leadership --- witness the behaviour of politicians and many of those connected to the Finance Markets.

As a nation, the people have been led down the paths of delusion to the extent that they have turned their backs on God, preferring instead to trust to the transient and dubious pleasures of the world. The cumulative result of this is the daily reporting of knife and gun crimes, often resulting in the killing of the young by the young, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and a rapid journey towards an early death.

There are increasing demands for the legal right to end life. Not satisfied with the wholesale murder of millions of babies in the womb, the demands now move to the legalising of the killing of the infirm and the elderly, as the lobby for euthanasia promotes the need to recognise assisted suicide as being part of a compassionate society's way of life. How sad that a way of death is promoted as a way of life!

Where is the voice of the leaders of the church in all of this? Sadly, it is all too often silent, apart from those whose voices are kept to a whisper by the refusal of society to acknowledge them.

If a society turns its back persistently on God then it will ultimately be brought to its knees by God. It is time to repent and turn to God. To seek His forgiveness for the wrongs in our society and to ask for His help to right those wrongs, seeking to live according to His laws.

We must ask for forgiveness:
  • for the lack of moral instruction that has led to a society increasingly devoid of morals.
  • for the killing of the unborn that destroys life rather than protecting it.
  • for the manner in which our politicians have been allowed to enact laws which promote dependence on the State rather than dependence upon God.
  • for creating wars and glorifying the deaths of the young men whose lives are sacrificed so aimlessly by a government who fails to equip them as they should do for financial reasons.
  • for a judicial system which is seen as a Criminal's Charter rather than the defence of our society.
  • for protecting those who seek to destroy our freedom by allowing them to hide behind the Human Rights legislation that has made so many lawyers rich beyond their wildest dreams.
  • for glorifying sexual freedom by the constant promotion of so-called 'alternative lifestyles'.
  • for the corruption of the young by introducing PC-led instruction of a variety of sex-education programmes which satisfy the adults and organisations involved rather than leading the young in the right way; teaching that every lifestyle is okay except the one which teaches people to say 'NO'.
  • for promoting diversity as a means of fostering a 'Divide and Rule' system.
  • for fostering the notion that self-gain, self-promotion, and self-interest is more important than concerns for the well-being of others.
  • for shutting Jesus out of children's lives by banning Him from being spoken of in the classrooms, so say for fear of offending those who believe differently.
  • above all, for turning our collective back upon God Himself.
We need to prostrate ourselves before God in repentance, saying sorry for the world that has been so corrupted by our society, by our government of it, and by ambitions motivated by greed, before it's too late. I'm not speaking of casually saying 'Sorry' like a child who seeks a present after doing wrong, but of really repenting with heart, mind and soul, and of seeking the very face of God as we do so.

As a Nation, we need to turn back to God before it's too late!

The ultimate result of rejecting God now will be His rejection of each unrepentant individual throughout eternity. Then the true meaning of Hell will be found.

We must pray for:
  • Forgiveness for our Nation
  • For our leaders at both national and local levels.
  • For true leadership from the Church.
  • For a move to living according to God's precepts.
  • For the redemption and salvation of our people.
  • For the visitation of the Holy Spirit to bring about Revival

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