Saturday, August 8, 2009

Womb to Heaven in Two Steps!

There is somewhere even better than this . . .

Just imagine a baby in the womb, safe and secure in it’s dark, comfortable world, everything it could possibly need being supplied to it. One day it hears a voice which says that there’s an even better place to be. The voice goes on to describe all the wonderful things of our world; birds, flowers, trees, butterflies, warmth and cold, sunlight and moonlight, and so on, emphasising that one day the baby will discover this for itself. The baby gives a little shrug and says in reply, “Don’t be silly! How could anything be better than the life I have now? I can’t believe what you’re saying because I don’t think it exists.”

Yet after nine months the baby is born into the very world that it was promised, and as it grows so it discovers for itself all the wonderful things that it had been told about. Throughout its life, from childhood into adulthood, there will be a voice that keeps persisting through the years with tales of an even better place. This place, the voice says, will be a wonderful place to be. There will be no need of artificial light or even light from the sun or the moon, for this world will be lit by the glory of God. It will be a world with no sadness, no illness and no dying. It will be a wonderful place to be!

And when the voice speaks to the child and to the teenager, and to the adult, so often the response will be a shrug and the comment, “Don’t be silly! How could anything be better than the life I have now? I can’t believe what you’re saying because I don’t think it exists.”

Then one day the opportunity comes to pass through the doorway and discover it all for yourself.

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