Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beautiful Places that I love . . .

Above is the picturesque village of Castle Combe in Wiltshire, only a few miles from my home town, and a place that I think is the quintessential English Village. It has been used in many films such as Dr Doolittle.

I love the Autumn, and so I couldn't resist putting this picture in. I wonder whether the reason that I love the autumnal colours has anything to do with my being a Leo?

Like many people, I'm fascinated by water, whether in deep, dark, brooding pools, or the movement of waterfalls.

This is a great shot of the Yosemite Valley which doesn't just speak for itself, it shouts about its beauty everywhere you turn.

A view of Cader Idris in Wales, the Land of Beautiful Places!

Last, but most certainly not least, in this brief look at places I love, is this pic of the wonderful Cornish coastline. All of these places make me think about holidays and also about what a wonderful world we have been blessed with. What a great responsibility we each have to do all that we can to maintain and protect our heritage.

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