Friday, September 18, 2009

Hayley Oliver: A GREAT Country Singer

The above pic shows Hayley Oliver with Best New Artist Award 2007 from DJ Evy of Canada. Who is Hayley Oliver you might ask. Well, she's a really great Country singer from Kent, here in the UK, who deserves to be heard by loads of people who will then be so impressed with her singing --- like I was --- that they rush to buy one of her Cd's online.

Want to know what she sounds like? Want to know more about her? Then just visit her website by clicking here. To go straight to listen to one of her songs on her website click here. Listen to this song Take Me To Your World, and you'll see what I mean!

I've sent her a batch of my songs to see if she wants to record any of them, so keep your fingers and toes crossed and hope that she likes them! I'll keep you posted, dear reader.

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