Monday, September 21, 2009

"I remember Thomas Hardy . . ." she said

This afternoon I interviewed a remarkable lady by the name of Evelyn Evans, who is 94 years old and currently resident in a Retirement Home in Runcorn. Her memory is sharp and she easily recalls the events which have shaped her life, especially growing up in the County of Dorset, often referred to as 'Thomas Hardy Country'.

Once the interview has been edited and interlaced with photos and a bit of music, then it will be available on DVD to share with anyone who is interested, particularly with schools.

Evelyn grew up in Dorchester, which Hardy immortalised under the name of Casterbridge. She well remembers Hardy walking around the surrounding countryside as he worked out his novels in his head prior to committing them to paper. The interview will be well worth looking forward to! If you would like a copy then just watch this Blog and when it is available then I'll post about it and how to get a copy.

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