Monday, September 28, 2009

Poem for Today : 'Thank You, Lord'

Thank You, Lord

For the mountains and sun,
For the sea and the sky,
For creatures and fish
And for songbirds that fly,
For all living things
In the world today,
Thank You, Lord!

For the people I love,
For the joy that they bring,
Summer and Autumn,
And Winter and Spring
For all the good things
In the world today,
Thank You, Lord!

For the food crops that grow
In the warm summer sun,
For bright clear blue skies,
And for new life begun,
All wonderful things
In the world today,
Thank You, Lord!

For the birds in their nests,
For the fox in his hole,
Praises to You, Lord,
For making me whole,
For being with me
In the world today,
Thank You, Lord!
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, May 2006

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